
Getting to know me: procrastinating bloggers tag

Time to get to know me better! I haven’t done a bloggers tag yet and this one sounds fun, so here we go!

claireface (1 of 1)

1) Name a beauty regime that you rarely do
Blow-drying my hair. I’m really lucky in that my hair is very low-maintenance so I don’t have to do too much to it. I can get out of the shower, throw it up in a bun and it will dry by itself and then brush out poker-straight afterwards. I almost never use a hairdryer unless I have to be somewhere in a hurry (I’m also a little bit afraid of them because I had one go boom in my hand when I was using it, which sent sparks flying and singed a lot of my arm!)

2) Is washing your make-up brushes something you do regularly?
I’ve just done it a few minutes ago!

3) How long will you last with chipped nail polish?
I can handle a bit of tip wear but anything after that and it really starts to get on my nerves! I’m pretty lazy though so I’ll probably spend two or three days being annoyed by the chips until I actually get around to removing it.

4) How long will you put off buying/replacing a beauty product, even if you really need it?
Put off buying?? Nope, that doesn’t compute! I have so many boxes full of products that I don’t think I’ve ever run out of something completely.

5) What is your worst beauty habit?
This is the mortal sin of beauty but I’m awful at forgetting to take my make-up off before bed (I know, I know!). I don’t do it very often because I’m always punished with a horrible break-out afterwards and I learn my lesson. But sometimes if I’ve had a few too many drinks and the mirror is allll the way over there…. yeah, it’s the worst thing!

6) When going out somewhere, do you leave getting ready to the last minute?
I never intend to, but somehow I always end up rushing at the last minute. A couple of weeks ago we had to be a wedding afters for 10. I just had to do my hair and make-up and put on a dress. I even knew what I was going to wear so it shouldn’t have been too strenuous. I started curling my hair at 7pm…. and was still running around like a half-dressed lunatic when the taxi arrived.

7) Can you commit to a spending ban?
Mostly, I think.  I’ve got so much beauty stuff stockpiled here that I can kind of shop my own collection if I feel like having something new. Although my spending ban may take a hit now that Wet n Wild is available in Ireland…

8) How organised is your make-up and nail polish collection? It’s actually really well organised, go me! I use old beauty boxes to store things by category so I have a couple full of foundation, a couple of eye products, a couple of lip products, etc, etc. The only problem with them being so well stored is that I often forget what I have and don’t use as much of a variety of products as I could. I really should dig through them and find a whole new look!